е-Daily Parking Ticket

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{{ lang.servisError2 }}
{{ lang.fine.info }}
{{ lang.fine.no }}{{ fine.id }}
{{ lang.fine.plate }}{{ fine.plate }}
{{ lang.fine.zone }}{{ fine.zone }}
{{ lang.fine.address }}{{ fine.street }}
{{ fine.streetNumber }}
{{ lang.fine.why }}{{ fine.violation }}
{{ lang.fine.price }}{{ fine.price }}

{{ fine.discountDescription }}

{{ lang.fine.time }}{{ fine.paymentDeadline }}
{{ lang.fine.call }}{{ fine.paymentReferenceNumber }}
{{ lang.fine.from }}{{ fine.issuedAt }}
{{ fine.validTo }}

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Electronic warrant for payment of an electronic daily parking ticket (eDPT) – Invoice

  1. Parking control system at the general parking lots (zoned and out of zoned areas), as well as at the special-purpose parking lots which are in the general parking lot mode (‘Sava promenada’) operates according to the Decision of Public Parking Lots (‘Official Announcement of the City of Belgrade’ No. 12/2010, 37/2011, 42/2011, 11/2014, 30/2014, 34/2014, 89/2014, 96/2016, 36/2017, 118/2018, 26/2019, 52/2019, 65/2020, 152/2020, 9/2021, 111/2021 and 76/2022) – Decision.
  2. An electronic warrant for payment of eDPT is issued to users according to Art. 18a par.2. of the Decision, who haven’t paid for the parking service in advance (parking ticket not paid) in the general parking lots of zoned areas and out of zoned areas, as well as at the special-purpose parking lot ‘Sava promenada’  according to Art. 18a par.3. of the Decision also to users of the general parking lots in zoned areas who have expired limited (extended) parking time.
  3. eDPT is valid from the moment of issuance until the same time on the first following day when parking charges are applied and only in the zone where it was issued. eDPT is paid subsequently upon issued electronic warrant for daily parking service.
  4. The user of the parking lot (individual or legal entity) is obliged to act according to the electronic order for the payment of eDPK and pay the same via a general payment slip, at the post office/bank or company cash desk or electronically.
    A discount of 50% is granted on the price of the electronic daily parking ticket (eDPT) for all users of the parking service (individuals and legal entities) who pay for the electronic daily parking ticket (eDPT) within 20 days from the day of its validity.
    If the user of the parking lot does not make the payment within the period in which a discount of 50% of the eDPT price is granted, the company will start the debt collection procedure, and the costs of compulsory collection, statutory default interest and other costs will be borne by the company, in accordance with the law.
  5. The consumer who uses 24 hours parking service is obliged to be informed about the issued eDPT. Notification of the issued eDPT is available on the Company's website, through the customer service offices (by phone, e-mail or directly at the counters), as well as by sending an SMS to users whose limited (extended) parking time has expired or who have tried to pay for hourly parking after eDPT was issued (when there are technical possibilities for it).
  6. If an electronic warrant for eDPT payment is issued to the vehicle that has already at least two (2) issued warrant for unpaid parking debts, if it is not possible to identify the driver or the owner of the vehicle through evidence of competent authority of the Republic of Serbia, and if it is not possible to initiate a legal actions for outstanding debts, the Company is authorised to keep the vehicle by removing it from the general or special parking lot to the area provided for such actions, or installing the device which will prevent a vehicle from being driven, until payment and costs of overdue receivables are done, according to Art. 18g of the Decision.
  7. Consumer may appeal about eDPT by phone, via mail, email or personally at offices of The Company’s customer service.


Company: PUC ’Parking Servis’. Belgrade, 28v Prekonoška Str.

Customer service working hours: Monday-Friday from 07.00 AM to 09.00 PM, Saturday from 07.00 AM to 02.00 PM.

Customer service (Cashier Office): 51 Mileševska Str., 31 Takovska Str., 134g Milutina Milankovića Str.

Telephone: 11011

Email: info@parking-servis.co.rs

Web: www.parking-servis.co.rs


*Note: The site search displays results for issued electronic daily parking tickets for the last 60 days