A driver ignited himself and the policemen at Staro sajmište


A driver ignited himself and the policemen at Staro sajmište


Driver P.L. who was illegally parked twice during the day, ignited tonight around 7.30 PM himself and two policemen on duty on "Parking servis" pound Staro sajmište whereby the policemen suffered burns on their hands and suffered minor injuries, while the driver is harder injured.

During the day, a driver made two traffic offences by parking his car illegally. After "Parking servis" towed away his vehicle for the first time, driver escaped from the "Parking servis" pound by braking the ramp. The same vehicle was in traffic offence again later the day, so it was towed away again, on the "Parking servis" pound Staro sajmište. P. L. who came to take his car, revolted for the fines he had to pay, took two bottles of petrol and doused himself and policemen and set the fire.

"Parking servis" managing director strongly condemned the violent behavior.

„I wish easy recovery to injured police officers, as well as rouge, who will have to be prosecuted for his actions because life is priceless. "Parking servis employees as well as police officers were just doing their job, and that's why I strongly condemned the violent behavior“, Čupković said.

Injured police officers were visited by "Parking servis" managing director and city manager Goran Vesić.

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