A zone without a time limit
City of Belgrade, City Administration, City Traffic Department in cooperation with JKP ‘Parking Servis’ have redefined the system of payment and parking control in parts of Zemun, New Belgrade and in some streets in the city centre. Thus the system of payment and parking control in Belgrade have been completed and our clients have been given the possibility to pay the parking by sending an SMS or buying the ticket at kiosks or from parking attendants.
At these locations parking is carried out in the same way it is done in zone-designated parking areas, with the difference that the aforesaid zone is – A ZONE WITHOUT A TIME LIMIT. This means that drivers can pay for as many hours as they want during the working hours. The payment of parking is charged per hour or per day if you opt for a daily parking ticket.
‘As the zone project has proved to be absolutely successful (surveys have shown that over 70% of citizens have positive opinion of the project and over 70% of drivers pay for the parking through SMS or by buying the parking ticket) the decision has been made to introduce the reliable method of payment and control in those parts of the city which were not previously covered by this system.
By introducing new methods of payment in the zone without a time limit the parking will be made easier and Belgrade will have a uniform system of payment and parking control at all general parking areas’ , says Zivorad Andjelkovic, PUC ‘Parking Servis’ CEO
Between 03.03. and 09.03.2008. there will be the test period of the redefined system of payment and parking control. In this period the users who do not pay the parking and obtain the extra-payment ticket for parking will be exempted from the mandatory payment.
Methods Of Payment In the Zone Without a Time Limit
In a zone without a time limit the following payments have been defined:- per commenced hour of parking, 21,50 din
- per day (a daily ticket), 190,00 din (dnevna karta), po ceni od 190,00 din
- per month (privileged parking ticket – PPK), 380,00 din
- sending an SMS to the numbers 9119 (for parking per hour) and 9118 (for a day)
- buying the ticket at the kiosk
- buying the ticket from the parking attendant
- buying the privileged parking ticket (for the streets Zmaj Jovina and Kej Oslobodjenja
By buying the parking ticket, users pay for the parking in a certain time interval in the whole zone without a time limit. The user can change the parking place as well as parking at other locations inside this zone while the ticket is valid. If the user makes the payment of parking after working hours electronic parking ticket will be valid for the next working day.
Locations Of General Parking Areas In a Zone Without a Time Limit
General parking areas in which the payment is carried out on working days from 08-17 and on Saturday 8-14.
- Palmira Toljatija (form Džona Kenedija to Goce Delčeva)- Novi Beograd
- Bulevar Mihajla Pupina br. 16 ( IV Opštinski sud ) - Novi Beograd
- Bulevar umetnosti (from Bulevara Mihajla Pupina to T.P.C."Merkator") - Novi Beograd
- Zmaj Jovina - Zemun
- Kej Oslobođenja from JKP "Beogradski vodovod i kanalizacija" to Zmaj Jovine ulice - Zemun
- Palmira Toljatija from Goce Delčeva to Aleksinačkih rudara- Novi Beograd
- Bulevar Zorana Đinđića (from Omladinskih brigada to Bulevara Zorana Đinđića br. 106 )- Novi Beograd
- Bulevar Umetnosti from Bulevara Mihajla Pupina to Bulevara Nikole Tesle - Novi Beograd
- Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra - from Kraljice Marije to Ruzveltove - Zvezdara
- Kraljice Marije from Ruzveltove to Bulevara Kralja Aleksandra- Zvezdara
Should the citizens require additional information they should contact Info media centar on the phone number 30-35-400.