Blood donation campaign



JKP ‘Parking Servis' in cooperation with the Blood Transfusion Institute of Serbia carried out a blood donating campaign in the restaurant of the International Cargo Terminal between 10.00 and 15.00 hours on Tuesday 10.12.2013.

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Taking into account the fact that blood supplies are very low, as a socially responsible corporation which has always responded to the Institute appeals, we have organized a blood donating campaign on our premises.

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JKP ‘Parking Servis' has called on all people of goodwill to join in this campaign and become someone's hero.

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Twenty-three people responded to the appeal and 5 people donated blood for the first time.

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The cooperation between JKP ‘Parking Servis' and the Blood Transfusion of Serbia has a long tradition and over 300 employees are regular blood donors.

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