Along with "Parking servis” drawing pupils parking spaces continues


Along with "Parking servis” drawing pupils parking spaces continues

Drawing "pupils parking spaces" continues in elementary schools "Sveti Sava” nad "Svetozar Marković”. Both schools have a student represenatative within top ten elected drawings.

Led by the two awarded friends Đurđa Torbica and Drina Gruber, friends couldn't wait to start drawing their parking space. Chalks were ready and the fun could start.

Traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, cars, buses, roundabouts... As the parking space was geting revived, students were talking among eachother, playing, making the real picure of the world in their eyes. No limits in their minds so they continued making the pavement colourful, could be something we learn from them. And when all was done our new friend Jovan from the first grade, student group 2 of the elementary school "Sveti Sava”, said "We portreyed the world!”. And so it was, they coloured "their" parking space, revived pavement, and the city and brought the smile on the faces of the bystanders and passers-by!

Thank you so much for the colours you brought to this day!

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