And we start with the "Pupils Parking Space“


And we start with the "Pupils Parking Space“

The first "pupils parking space" was all designed by our little artists, winners of recently held art contest. Nearby all elementary schools within zoned area of Belgrade will be marked these parking spaces, and the money collected out of the parking payment will be redirected to schools and its needs. "We are very happy with the number of drawings that came to our address and the great effort our little friends put in. Bravo for them, and therefore it is more than well deserved for all the money collected out of parking payment at these marked "pupils parking spaces" to be redirected to the nearset elementary school for the its teaching aids and needs.  Of course, we hope and it is our intetion to make drivers and all others in traffic pay additional attention to the safety of children“ said Andrija Čupković managing director of PUC "Parking servis“ . [gallery columns="4" link="file" ids="16827,16824,16826,16825"] With this action we succesfully finished our eighth season of the well known "Pupils ask you - slow down by the school".