Archeological materials from Singidunum in ‘Pionirski Park' garage


‘The users of ‘Pionirski Park' garage as of today can view the exhibits which were found by the archeologists of the City of Belgrade Institute for the protection of culture during its construction from 10th March to 15th August 2003. Archeological artifact date back to ancient Singidunum at the end of 3rd and beginning of 4thcentury.

In the glass case, which is located next to the garage toll stations, the faithful replicas of the clay bowls, pitchers and oil lamps are exhibited and they are just a small fraction of the collection of artifacts found at this locality. The Institute for the protection of culture will change the objects from time to time so as to show as many artifacts as possible.

- The aim of this unusual exhibition is to show this treasure to the public and to draw their attention to an important period in Belgrade history. Pionirski park and surrounding areas are protected zones of southeast necropolis of archeological site - ancient Singidunum. During the construction of the garage the tombs, in which the legionnaires were buried, were found. Unfortunately, we usually run into treasures like this one when constructing such a building - says Nela Mićović, an archeologist and associate to the City of Belgrade Institution for protection of Monuments of Culture.

- This is the first exhibition of this kind and the place is really unusual for such an exhibition. However, this exhibition can become a new kind of offer to tourists. A great number of people pass by this place every day and this might be an opportunity to learn something interesting about Belgrade treasures. We are likely to find more artifacts in the future when building underground garages and we will make an effort to bring them to people's attention - says Branko Arsenijević, JKP ‘Parking Servis' spokesman.

The authors of the exhibition are Nela Mićović, an archeologist - associate to the City of Belgrade Institute for protection of Monuments of Culutre and Mirjana Sikimić, JKP ‘Parking Servis' architect.