Daily parking ticket price in "blue" zone lower and 50% discount if paid within eight days


Daily Parking Ticket Price In "Blue" Zone Lower And Offered 50 % Discount If Paid Within Eight Days

On the proposal of PUC "Parking servis“, City of Belgrade has reduced the price of Daily Parking Ticket for all the drivers who park their vehicle at general parking lots outside the time limited areas i.e. "blue" zone.

The price of Daily Parking Ticket in "blue" zone, starting from today is 720 dinars. The price will be 50 % off if paid within the period of eight days of issue and will cost 360 dinars.

Managing director Andrija Čupković says that these benefits for the users are made possible due to smart business decisions during his mandate.

„On the proposal of the Municipality of Zemun and PUC "Parking servis“ the Mayor has made a decision to reduce the price of Daily parking ticket in the "blue" zone. The price of Daily parking ticket in all zones was 1.870 dinars and I thought that it would be fair to the drivers that the price of Daily ticket was lower since it was outside the city centre. This is hard time we live in, we know that, and if we can do anything for our citizens we will.“ – said Čupković.

The price of parking ticket at General parking lot outside the zoned areas is 35 dinars per commenced hour, ticket per several hours is 285 dinars and the price of Daily parking ticket is 720 dinars or 360 dinars if paid within eight days.