Let's choose name for zebra


In all elementary schools in Belgrade the competition in which the pupils choose a name for the campaign ‘Pupils ask you - slow down by the school' mascot zebra is in progress.

We have so far received hundreds of suggestions from the schools, classes and individuals. The pupils have suggested wide varieties of names: Zebra Zebrić, Zebrinko Brinić, Ziki, Prugica Prugić, Coka Saobraćajac, Zebra Tebra, Zebra Spasa, Šarenko, Smeško, Zebrana and others.

From the elementary school ‘Stevan Sremac' from Dobanovci we have received a few proposals to name the zebra Vlada. One of the proposals was very short and clear: ‘My name is Jovan and my surname is Mijajlović. The zebra's name is Vlada.' A lot of children have along the name sent the illustrations of the zebra.

There are only 3 weeks before the competition is completed. JKP ‘Parking Servis' advises all elementary schools in Belgrade to send their suggestions to the address:

Ulica Kraljice Marije broj 7, 11000 Beograd, sa naznakom - Za konkurs „Dajte zebri ime"

The schools which chooses the most imaginative name will receive a valuable reward and a winner will be announced in September 2011.

JKP ‘Parking Servis' has organized the campaign ‘Pupils ask you - slow down by the school' for the 4th year in a row. Since the beginning of the year JKP ‘Parking Servis' has given away about 15 000 high visibility vests and by the end of the school term first graders from a few more schools will be given these vests.

We would like to thank you for helping use improve safety for children on roads as well as enrich our campaign ‘Pupils ask you - slow down by the school'.