Darko got a full time job


03.03.2011. JKP ‘Parking Servis' CEO Boban Kovačević has presented today Darko Tijanić (24) with a Contract of employment. On 21st January Darko saved a driver trapped in an overturned car by jumping in a frozen river.

- We are trying with each our move to make a contribution to a system of values which should be prevailing in a modern society. We appreciate empathy, and Darko has shown remarkable courage and readiness to make sacrifices by saving a life, selflessly risking his own. Hence the initiative of Mayor Dragan Djilas, to award Darko with a Contract of employment, which will help him to set a good foundation for his future. I have to say that Darko Tijanic has been engaged in ‘Parking Servis' as a controller since 2009 and he has done his job very well - said Boban Kovačević, JKP ‘Parking Servis CEO.

Darko Tijanic, when thanking for the employment, said that he would have done the same thing if he had another chance to save somebody's life. On the 21st Januray, at 4 o'clock in the morning, as soon as he had seen the overturned car he ran to it and threw himself into the icy river Kosanica, broke the door so as to free a driver who was struggling for air, while the cold water was entering the car.

- I broke the door and pulled him out of the car, without feeling cold because of the rush of adrenaline. Only when he had reached the bank of the river did I feel that the air temperature was 15 degrees below zero. - said Tijanic.

For this extraordinary act of bravery, Boris Tadić, the President of Serbia awarded him with the medal of bravery „Miloš Obilić" on the National Day.