Educational campaign ‘Let's ask the pupils'


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JKP ‘Parking Servis' has launched an educational campaign ‘Let's ask the pupils' within the campaign ‘Pupils ask you - slow down by the school'.

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The first graders of ‘Sveti Sava' primary school had a chance in front of the cameras to show their knowledge of road rules and present the traffic signs from their perspective.

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The aim of ‘Let's ask the pupils' campaign is to teach the children the basic road signs and responsible behavior on the road.

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The educational campaign ‘Let's ask the pupils' consists of a short TV survey in which we ask pupils the questions about the behavior on the road and air their replies every day on the TV Studio B morning show ‘Beograde, dobro jutro'. So far, the children from the primary schools ‘Mihajlo Petrović Alas' and ‘Skadarlija' have taken part in this show.

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The most creative answers of the pupils from all primary schools in Belgrade will be shown on a traditional gala event at the end of school term in City of Belgrade Hall.

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Since 2007 when we launched the campaign ‘Pupils ask you - slow down by the school', we have had over 800 educational plays and 80.000 first graders have got high visibility vests. Last year we have installed safety signalization in the proximity of ten schools in the central municipalities as well as in the suburban parts of Belgrade. Installing safety signalization is schools' neighborhoods will be one of our priorities in the coming year.

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