Electric bicycle as an alternative form of transport


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JKP ‘Parking Servis' has supported the European Mobility Week campaign by organizing an electric bicycle ride from ‘Milan Gale Muškatirović' sports center to the river Sava docks.

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JKP ‘Parking Servis' campaign ‘Park and cycle' is our chance to reduce the number of vehicles in the city center, said Bojan Bovan, the Secretary of Transportation during the promotional electric bicycle ride within the European Mobility Week.

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‘We would like to promote cycling and by doing so to contribute to reducing air pollution, which is one of the messages of this year's European Mobility Week - ‘Clean air - it's your move', said Bovan.

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JKP ‘Parking Servis' CEO Boban Kovačević said that electrical bicycles were used for recreation and fun but it was also an alternative form of transport.

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'All drivers who park their vehicles on any of our car parks can avail of a card which enables them to borrow the bike from the car parks ‘Ada Ciganlija', ‘Sava Centar', and ‘Milan Gale Muškatirović'. Then, they can use the bicycles to do their business in the City without wasting petrol or polluting the environment', said Kovačević.

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The Department of Transportation in cooperation with the EU Delegation in Serbia, UNDP and the International Association of Public Transport (UITP) take part in this campaign together with 2000 cities in Europe, which also promote alternative forms of transport.

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