Free parking in the streets around the Clinical Center of Serbia


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As of today free parking will be available after 17.00 hours on about 400 parking spaces in the streets around the Clinical Center of Serbia.

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This will be possible in Pasterova Street - between Resavska Street and Oslobodjene Boulevard; in Dr Subotića Street - from Deligradska to Oslobodjenje Boulevard and in Deligradska Street - from Pasterova Street to Dr Subotića Street. This area is a part of a zoned parking system where parking is paid for and the parking time is limited to three hours, but from today after 17.00 hours the parking will be free and without a time limit.

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‘By launching this service we are hoping to help our citizens who have expressed a need for parking spaces without a time limit in the evening hours. We would also like to motivate drivers to park their cars in this part of the city. Paying for parking will be suspended after 17.00 hours on weekdays and after 14.00 on Saturdays, and on Sundays. We are planning to reduce the number of cars in the city center and ‘Parking Servis' is currently working on redefining the current zone system. The residents who live in ‘Profesorska kolonija' neighborhood in Palilula municipality asked for extension of the zoned area. We will review the feasibility of the existing time limits on that and other locations and change (reduce or increase) time limits accordingly', says Radenko Vuković, JKP ‘Parking Servis' Managing Director Assistant.

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PUC ‘Beograd Put' has installed new traffic signalization in the Clinical Center area. Parking is from today after 17.00 hours free on 229 places in Pasterova Street, 109 in Deligradska and 46 places in Dr Subotića Street. If to this number we add 10 places for disabled persons and 37 reserved parking places, parking after 17.00 hours will be free on 431 space.

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Vuković also answered a few journalists' questions related to clamping of cars with foreign plates. He said that the project will kick off in April and only drivers who have two or more unpaid daily tickets will be affected. He appealed with the drivers who have a debt to ‘Parking Servis' to settle it so as to avoid having their car clamped.

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We would also like to remind our customers who work in the city center that ‘Parking Servis' introduced a new monthly subscription - a business tariff in the garages ‘Masarikova', ‘Zeleni venac' and ‘Pionirski park' and reduced by around 30% the prices of monthly subscriptions in the garage ‘Obilićev venac' and car park ‘Cvetkova Pijaca'. The business tariff is available to our customers who work in the city center. They can avail of a monthly subscription which is by 50% lower than the previous one and pay 5 999 dinars for parking from 06.30 until 17.30 instead of 10 000 or 12 000 dinars.

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