Good blood donors response


JKP ‘Parking Servis' organized a blood donating day in cooperation with the Blood Transfusion Institute of Serbia on its premises on International Cargo Terminal in Blok 53 and 60 donors turned out to donate blood.

In addition to JKP ‘Parking Servis' staff there were also freight forward staff, truck drivers who happened to be there during the event and the fellow citizens who had heard about the campaign through the media.

Doctor Slavica Jovanović from the Blood Transfusion Institute of Serbia thanked our Company for the support over the years and pointed out that the campaign has been organized twice a year over the last 10 years.

‘Blood is a special substance, which cannot be produced artificially and the only way is blood donation. So far there are sufficient reserves and the situation with blood seems stable but it can change any day and it is essential to organize such campaigns and appeal with our fellow citizen to respond to this act of humanism.

A long term blood donor Saša Vuković, one of ‘Parking Servis' staff says that he always responds to the appeal.

<p style="padding-left: 30px;"‘I don't count any more how many times I have donated blood, probably more than 30 times. I donate blood to help those who need it. There is no other motive. I would ask all my colleagues and all people who can donate blood to join us. It's an act of compassion and it's healthy for ourselves as well.' .[separator top="5"]

In PUC ‘Parking Servis' there are around 300 registered blood donors who are always first to respond to the Blood Transfusion Institute of Serbia appeals.