Car park assigned to ‘Bg train' users from April 04th


JKP ‘Parking Servis' would like to inform its users that the car park ‘Blok 42', which is located near OTC at New Belgrade, will be a specially designated car park.

The car park ‘Blok 42' will be from the next Monday a designated car park ‘Park & Ride' and it will be assigned to ‘Bg train' users. On working days parking will be free while during the weekend a regular price list will be in effect. Daily parking from 07.00 to 19.00 will cost 150.00 dinars.

Car park ‘Park & Ride' will make it possible for a great number of New Belgrade residents to park their car, get on the ‘Bg train' and reach the part of Belgrade across the Sava river in just a few minutes.

The trial period which will show results of a new ‘Park & Ride' service will last from 04th April to 15th November.

A new means of public transport ‘Bg train' was launched on 1st September last year between New Belgrade and Pančevo Bridge and from the middle of April that train service will be extended to Batajnica.