New parking lot at Novi Beograd


New parking lot in Zorana Djindjica Boulevard, with 308 parking spaces, was opened today. Goran Vesić, City manager, Dusan Rafailović, City secretary for traffic and managing directors of "Parking servis”, "Zelenilo – Beograd” and "Beograd-put” Andrija Čupković, Slobodan Stanojević and Ivan Tejić expressed great pleasure that one major problem of residents of this part of Belgrade was solved.

– There was a great parking problem at this location because of the vast number of commercial and residential buildings. The traffic was jammed and endangering the pedestrians. For that reason, a new parking lot was constructed here. More than 1.200 people signed a petition to build a car park, and that is a good example of how people can affect the regulation of the city - said Vesić.

City manager explained, that the lack of parking spaces was one of the three greatest problems in Belgrade and had reminded of the newly available 380 new parking spaces at Vračar. The city was determined to solve this problem, step by step, said Vesić.

The construction of parking lot, which lasted 80 days, was completed on time.