Prices cut in some garages


some garages [separator="20"]

In three garages in the centre of the city Masarikova, Zeleni venac and Pionirski park PUC 'Parking servis' introduced new Business tariff that allows people who work in the city center significantly cheaper parking up to 50%.[separator="5"]

"As the people who work in the city center face a great deal of difficulty when looking for a parking space until 17.00 hours, we have decided to reduce the prices in garages in Masarikova Street, Pionirski Park and Zeleni venac on weekdays between 6.30 and 17.30 hours. The monthly subscription for a parking place was 20 000 dinars. As of now they will have an option of paying 300 dinars a day or a monthly subscription which will be 5999 dinars for a parking space near their work place', says Čupković.

[caption id="attachment_7454" align="aligncenter" width="700"] Andrija Čupković, v.d. direktora JKP "Parking servis"