


The Green zone transfers into Yellow zone

The Secretariat for Transport made the Decision IV – 06 no 344.16-1468/2016 which constitutes rezoning of part of existing green zone into yellow zone area, starting on Monday, 26th September. Parking Servis did the Analysis of Functional Parking Characteristic, due to heavy traffic congestion, roads overload and lack of parking space, in the very city centre.

Area in the very city centre belonging to the Green zone, with 3 hrs time limitation parking will be assigned to Yellow zone area with parking time limit of 120 minutes, starting from Monday, September 26th.


Streets entering the system of 2 hrs time limitation parking are: Tadeuša Košćuška, Cara Dušana, Džordža Vašingtona, Takovska, Kosovska, Nušićeva, Makedonska, Cetinjska, Zetska, Simina, Višnjićeva and Gospodar Jevremova.

A part of former green zone, bordered by streets Brankova, Karadjordjeva, Pariska, Kosančićev venac, Pop Lukina and Fruškogorska, will also transfer to Yellow zone, on Monday, 26th September.


Parking is charged from Monday to Friday, from 07.00 - 21.00 hrs and on Saturdays from 07.00 – 14.00 hrs.

Parking in Yellow zone is limited to a maximum of 120 minutes. If using the m-parking (payment method done with texting SMS to our centre) message should contain only signs and numbers of registration plate with no spaces or special marks within. Text is sent to short code 9112.


Following a zone redefinition, resident of the upper Dorćol, who had met requirements for issuing a privileged parking ticket, would be still able to continue parking their cars in the same streets as prior the redefinition. Yet, privileged parking ticket will not allow them to park in the streets around Kosančićev venac, which will be assigned to the Yellow subzone 2.0.

The same conditions refers to legal entities based in this zone, who will buy a privileged parking ticket for a Yellow zone 2.0.1 instead of Green zone, from now on.

Residents of the Kosančićev venac quart having the PPT were allowed to park their vehicles in Green 3.0 zone. Starting from September 26th 2016 residents and legal entities based in this area will be buying PPT for Yellow 2.0, valid only in 2.0’s streets.

Accordingly, previously bought PPT for Zone 3.0 is valid until the date of expiry, but owners will be parking their cars within the parking spaces of subzones 2.0 or 2.0.1. Legal entities will be able to continue using and buying PPT, but for Yellow zone, with applicable Official Pricelist.

This strategy is to fulfil two main tasks – enough number of available parking spaces primarily for residents, as well larger number of spaces for visitors of the city centre. Applying the Yellow zone criteria to these streets, as the time of maximum parking stay is limited to 120 minutes, will lead to greater utilization of existing parking capacities and increased interchangeability in one parking place.

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