Assaults on parking attendants notice


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JKP ‘Parking Servis' within the scope of its business carries out the charging and control of parking on the public car parks in accordance with the Decision on public car parks (Official Gazette of the City of Belgrade, no 12/10 - revised text)

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When carrying out their normal duties of charging and controlling parking on the public parks, authorized JKP ‘Parking Servis' parking attendants are often exposed to verbal and physical attacks by the public car parks users who are avoiding paying for parking services.

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Any attack or a threat to a parking attendant is reported to the competent authorities and police and criminal charges will be brought against the persons who carried out an attack or threatened to attack. This kind of conduct towards the parking attendants is qualified as a criminal offense - an attack on an official in the performance of official duties and will be treated as such.

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The crime of bodily harm or a threat of bodily harm to an official in the performance of official duties is punishable to between three months and eight years, and the punishment is also projected for the offense in attempt.

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We would like to draw public attention to a few cases in which the offenders who committed attacks on parking attendants, were found guilty of an assault on an officer in the performance of official duties from Art. 323 par. 1 and 323 par. 2 pertaining to the Par. 1 of the Penal Code.

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  • First Municipal Court of Belgrade verdict K.238/2008 of 25.02.2009. the defendant was passed a prison sentence of one year, five years suspended
  • First Municipal Court of Belgrade verdict K.397/2008 of 27.04.2009. the defendant was passed a prison sentence of four months, one year suspended
  • First Municipal Court of Belgrade verdict K.3299/2010 of 08.04.2010. the defendant was passed a prison sentence of four months, two years suspended
  • First Municipal Court of Belgrade verdict K.383/2012 of 19.07.2012. the defendant was passed a prison sentence of six months, two years suspended.