Drivers training for more safety in traffic
JKP ‘Parking Servis’ and SAT Media Group have presented today a project whose aim is to increase safety of participants in traffic through free driving training for proper and safe driving. At ‘Parking Servis’ International cargo terminal in Block 53 where the polygons for drivers training are situated, the journalists were shown the way in which the training will be carried out. Media people had an opportunity to test their driving skills, reflexes and how they cope with driving. All interested car drivers will be able to avail of free training every Sunday from the 18th of May at this place.
This is a mini-course driving training, which is for the first time organized in Serbia and is aimed at car drivers. All participants will learn how to drive safely on a slippery road, what is the best things to do in various critical situations, how to brake with and without ABS equipment etc. Reflexes and movement coordination will be tested on the two special simulators. Importance of a safety belt at the head-on collision will be demonstrated. The program of the training takes two hours and consists of a theoretical and practical part. Toyota Auris cars of National Driving Academy will be used throughout the training. All interested drivers should sign up by calling the phone 307-25-70 so as to get the right time when to come to the polygon and the only condition is that they possess B category driving license.
Within the project, National Driving Academy (NAVAK), the first school of safe driving in Serbia, founded by SAT Media Group, provides instructors and an adequate equipment for the training while JKP ‘Parking Servis’ offers the technical support for the whole project.
- ‘This is only a part of the activities which we have planned when last year after the campaign ‘The pupils beg you, slow down by the school’ we announced that we would devote our time and energy to safety in traffic throughout the year. All the campaigns have had the impact on safety, because according to the figures we obtained from the Traffic Police the number of traffic accidents is on the decrease. We will sum up the results at the end of the year and it is our wish that in terms of lost lives they equal zero. In order to achieve this we will persist in making people think about their safety in the first place and then about other participants in traffic’, says Zivorad Andjelkovic, JKP ‘Parking Servis’ CEO.
-‘Apart from the training which will be carried out in Belgrade on Sundays, National Driving Academy intends to show the part of their program in other towns of Serbia. We invite all the interested parties who have the wish to engage in increasing safety in traffic and are able to help us in organization to contact us. Accidents do not always affect somebody else; we all take part in traffic once we leave our homes. Every day two or three lives are lost on Serbia roads and if we save only one life our efforts are not in vain.’ says Momir Alvirovic, National Driving Academy managing director.