From Monday with Obrenovac first graders


A second leg of the educational campaign ‘Pupils ask you - slow down by the school' starts off on Monday 31st of January in the primary schools of Obrenovac municipality.

In ten Obrenovac primary schools we will hang out with about 750 first grade pupils and teach them the basic rules of road safety.

The first stage of the campaign was carried out from 01st October to 17th December 2010. The campaign promoters accompanied by Traffic Police representatives visited nine Belgrade municipalities i.e. 64 primary schools and gave away 6 271 high visibility vests.

By the end of school term we should visit the remaining 8 Belgrade municipalities and 85 primary schools and get together with their first graders.

We would like to remind Belgrade school children and their teachers that the campaign ‘Let's choose Zebra's name' is getting to an end and we appeal with them to promptly send their ideas to JKP ‘Parking Servis'. The most creative proposal will win an award. The competition runs until the end of January and in February we will know which school has won.