"Parking servis“ ran the night


PUC "Parking servis“ ran another coordinated action of removing the illegally parked vehicles from Belgrade's streets around hospitality facilities and green area around city rivers, with the the indispensable cooperation with Ministry of Interior, Traffic Police and Intervention Unit, Communal Police as well as Inspection.

During the night 59 vehicles were removed for the illegal parking from the green areas around rivers, pedestrian zones, Asteriks club and the Museum of the Contemporary Arts. Among many luxurious cars that were removed were the BMW X5, Mercedes C class, Land Rover, Mercedes GKL class, Audi A8. Director of the PUC "Parking servis“ Andrija Čupković stated that these coordinated actions are the proof of  all city authorities are putting their efforts for the keeping of the communal order in the city.

On this occasion Čupković put an appeal to all the drivers not to park in green zones and announced more frequent intervention by the "Green Truck“.

"I'm saying this as the Belgrade citizen, not the director of the "Parking servis". We are here today because in this neighborhood there is seasonal problem with the illegal parking that needs to be solved and the city and the residents have our full support in this and related problems.“ – said director of the "Parking servis“.

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