"Parking servis" supports World Environment Day


"Parking servis" supports World Environment Day

PUC "Parking servis“ will be giving away cards for the free public transportation on June 4th, as a supporting act to the June 5th – World Environment Day, in a coordinated action with City Government, The Office for Public Transportation and other city enterprises.

These cards will be given to all the drivers who park in on of the following garages "Obilićev venac“, "Masarikova“, "Pionirski park“ and/or "Zeleni venac“.

[gallery link="file" columns="2" ids="16798,16797"] Managing director of PUC "Parking servis" Andrija Čupković on this occasion reminded all drivers of the additional eco service "Park and Cycle". When users are subscribed to this option, at car parks "Ada ciganlija", "Sava centar" and "Milan Gale Muškatirović" they are offered to rent an electric bicycle in recreational or business use, and cause considerably less air polution.