‘Park and cycle' on International Car Free Day


On Saturday 22nd September, JKP ‘Parking Servis' will offer all interested citizens to park their cars free of charge and take electric bicycles. The campaign will be conducted on the car parks ‘Ada Ciganlija' and ‘Sava Centar', from 10.00 and 17.00.

The aim of all activities during the European week of mobility is promoting of measures of sustainable traffic. The service ‘Park and Cycle', which ‘Parking Servis' launched three months ago is in compliance with the aims of the campaign, which seek to facilitate usage of alternative forms of transport.

JKP ‘Parking Servis' takes an active part in this year's activities of Secretariat for Transport and Belgrade Land Development Public Agency and within the project ‘Support to sustainable traffic in the City of Belgrade', which is carried out by UNDP Serbia through the campaign European Week of Mobility.