Works at ‘Cvetkova Pijaca' car park launched


The works at construction of a new car park have started today in Živka Davidovića Street between ‘Cvetkova Pijaca' and Health Clinic at Zvezdara municipality.

The car park ‘Cvetkova Pijaca' will boast 110 parking places. The works at doing up ground level on which the fast park will be installed are in progress. 4 parking levels will be at disposal when the works have finished.

Boban Kovačević, JKP ‘Parking Servis' CEO has said the car park is being built on a location where it is really necessary to have one.

- In close proximity there is a Health Clinic as well as a market which attracts a great number of people every day. Since the works at reconstruction of Kralja Aleksandra Boulevard have finished parking space is absolutely essential - points out Kovačević. He has announced that ‘Parking Servis' will open new 1500 parking places this year so as to resolve the problem of parking.

Milan Popović, the president of Zvezdara municipality has said that parking was a big problem in this neighborhood because of social importance of the Health Clinic and the market.

- This part of the city is rather old and when it comes to traffic and urban planning it has never been fully developed. We are trying to resolve the issue of traffic and introduce a one-way system of streets which will help the citizens to find their way around more efficiently. When we get the car park we will be able to say that this part of the city is ‘tidy' as far as traffic is concerned - said Popović.

Two entrances and two exits of the ‘Cvetkova Pijaca' car park will be in Živka Davidovića Street and they will be equipped with the standardized automated control of paying which is carried out before taking the car back.

The price of parking will match the prices at other car parks, which are not located in the very city center. A certain number of parking places will be available to residents and staff of the Health Clinic. Additionally, a number of parking places will be provided to disabled persons.

The initiative for building ‘Cvetkova Pijaca' car park came from Zvezdara municipality and JKP ‘Parking Servis'. Zvezdara municipality head office provided the plot near the Health Clinic on which JKP ‘Parking Servis' have commenced the works. By building ‘Cvetkova Pijaca' car park that part of Zvezdara municipality will get new parking places and traffic jams which were made by drivers looking for a parking place will be reduced.