Number of people engaged in cleaning snow increased


The Decision on maintenance in the wintertime demands that the direct users are responsible for cleaning the snow from the public areas i.e. the areas that the individuals and businesses were entrusted with to manage, use and maintain them.

The secretariat for inspection businesses has appealed with the citizens to clean the snow in front of their homes and other public areas they are responsible for. All communal inspectors are on duty and they monitor carefully removing of snow and ice and all those who do not meet their obligation will be sanctioned.

The enterprises and businesses which do not clean the snow and ice the fine between 5 000 and 500 000 din. is prescribed. Businesses and entrepreneurs who fail to carry out this duty the fine of 10 000 din. is set down. The fine for citizens and responsible persons is 2 500 din.

In coordination with the City office for protection against natural disasters, in a joint campaign with the other public service companies, JKP ‘Parking Servis' cleans the snow from their own facilities as well as from general car parks and pavements.

- Compared to yesterday, as it has been snowing continuously for longer than 48 hours and the snow cover increasing by the hour we have boosted the number of staff engaged in cleaning snow - said Nebojša Jorganović, JKP ‘Parking Servis' Winter service head. Along with the all the available machinery since 5 o'clock this morning 612 employees organized in 41 groups are on duty cleaning snow.