Representatives of „Parking Service“ in the Investment Forum


Representatives of PUC „Parking Service“ headed by Deputy Mayor Andreja Mladenović, take part in activities of the Investment Forum of Central and Eastern European Countries and the PR of China that has commenced today in Prague.

The most important topic in this event, in addition to pointing up the importance of economic cooperation, is stimulation of investment and promotion of industrial cooperation. In the Forum take part representatives of cities from 16 European countries, national coordinators for cooperation with China and Central and Eastern European countries, and a large number of businessmen.

The purpose of participation of Parking Service in this Forum is to establish contacts with prospective investors and look for possible future cooperation with them in strategic projects of the Enterprise in the field of parking, said Technical Director of „Parking Service“ Vladimir Bogićević before the departure to Prague. „We are exchanging experience with colleagues from regions of the Central and Eastern Europe. We are discussing favourable methods for funding the construction of underground garages in Belgrade. The City of Belgrade has signed recently with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development an agreement, according to which the Bank shall fund the technical assistance and later also provide a credit for projects of construction of four underground garages through public-private partnership. An international tender will be announced next year. Thereafter, the Bank will extend a long-term credit to a private partner to be selected in the international tender. After that, we expect to enter into a private-public partnership and that the works should commence as soon as possible,“ said Bogićević.

The participants, inter alia, are discussing joint investment, aviation, traffic, construction and infrastructure, heavy industry, engineering, tourism and direct airlines, automotive industry, agriculture and food industry, energy and financial sector, information technologies and telecommunications, and retail of goods and services. The presence of the Belgrade delegation in this important Forum will contribute to economic exemplification of long time friendly relationships between the Republic of Serbia and the People’s Republic of China. The Forum is attended by approximately 1,200 participants from the PR of China and Central and Eastern European countries.