The Feast of Ascension - The Day of Belgrade celebrated


The city of Belgrade and its citizens have celebrated the Day of Belgrade - The Feast of Ascension by taking part in a liturgy and a procession which followed.

The liturgy and procession were led by Irinej - the patriarch of the Orthodox Church of Serbia.

The Procession started from The Church of the Ascension and passed through Kneza Miloša and Kralja Milana Streets as far as Terazije fountain and then through Knez Mihailo and Pariska Streets to the Cathedral Church of St. Michael the Archangel. Then the Procession went back through Sime Markovića, Pop Lukina, Brankova, Kraljice Natalije, Dobrinjska Streets to the Church of the Ascension.

JKP ‘Parking Servis' has this year yet again helped the smooth progress of the Procession by removing 23 vehicles from the Procession's route. We would like to extend our gratitude to all our fellow citizens who responded to the City's authorities appeal and moved their vehicles well in advance so as to provide a safe passage of the Procession.

Ascension Day is traditionally celebrated the fortieth day of Easter and always on Thursday and Belgrade chose this day as its Day in memory of 1403 year, when the Despot Stefan Lazarević proclaimed Belgrade the capital of Serbia. After 46 years long interruption, the Celebration was restored in 1993, so this year marks two decades since the Procession passed the streets of Belgrade again.