Public Garages Reconstruction


By the mid of July is expected to start with the reconstruction of public garage "Obilićev venac“, which will be followed with garages "Zeleni venac“, "Masarikova“, and "Aerodrom“. Construction works will contribute to the safer usage of the parking facilities.

"We have signed a contract with the construction company assuring to 15 years of guarantee so all the possible damages during this periodcould be rectified as soon as possible.“ – said the managing director of the PUC "Parking servis“ Andrija Čupković.

Garages which are under the PUC "Parking servis" governance are all buillt 35-40 years ago, and since then it hasen't been major construction works. Garage "Obilićev venac“ was built in 1975., "Aerodrom“ 1976., "Zeleni venac“ 1978., and "Masarikova" in 1989.

"Up until now there were no significant money invested in garage maintenance. Newly established management asked for the estimation of the Construction Faculty which has shown the immediate need for repairs and reconstructions, while according to the project, made by CIP, some works even in the youngest garage "Pionirski park". Choosing this period we tried to eliminate the que, so the drivers do not wait upone entrance or exit, due to the fact that in summer season has a lower rate of capacity usage (people leave the city for vacations etc...). Given the fact that these are very comprehensive works second phase is planned for the 2016 year. We will try to keep up with the given dates." – said Andrija Čupković.

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