PUC “Parking Servis“ specially marked parking spaces for expectant mothers in the six parking facilities


PUC “Parking servis“ specially marked parking spaces for expectant mothers in the six parking facilities

PUC “Parking Servis“ has decided to meet the needs of “A Mother's Dream“ Association and mark special parking spaces for the vehicles of expectant mothers, in the six parking facilities.

One special parking space is marked in the garages “Pionirski Park“ and “Masarikova“ and in car park “Milan Gale Muskatirovic“, two special parking spaces are marked in the garages “Obilicev venac“ and “Zeleni venac“ and four special parking spaces are marked in a car park “Ada Ciganlija“.

These specially marked parking spaces are accessible and located near the entrance. They are designed with more space than a standard parking space, around three and half meters wide, so to allow expectant mothers to more easily get in and out of their cars.

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