Stari grad, Barajevo and Rakovica


This year first graders of Belgrade primary schools will from Thursday 01st October start to learn the basic rules of conduct in traffic as a part of a campaign ‘Pupil ask you – slow down by the school’.

A traffic policeman and a JKP ‘Parking Servis’ entertaniner will do their best in forty minute long plays to interpret the basic traffic rules to the young children so as to make their journey to school and back as safe as possible.

In addition to basic knowledge about traffic rules all 15.715 first graders, who have started school in Belgrade this year, will get fluorescent vest which will make them more conspicuous. By wearing those vests the pupils will send the clear message that they also participate in traffic and that the drivers should take due care.

‘The campaign has included Belgrade primary schools at 17 city municipalites. In contrast to the last year’s campaign, when we visited the first graders of the suburban municipalities in the autumn term and the pupils of the city municipalities in the spring term, this year both suburban and city municipalities will be alternately visisted. We are beginning with Stari grad municipality which is followed by Barajevo and Rakovica municipalities’, Miljan Vojinovic, JKP ‘Parking Servis’ entertainer has said.

The campaign ‘Pupils ask you – slow down by the school’ has been supported by Belgrade Council, Department of Education, Department of Traffic and Ministry of Interior – Belgrade Traffic Police Office.