The eighth annual meeting of Association of motoring historians



Old timers, motorcycles, cars, trucks, buses and tractors could be seen in an exhibition on the 12th April on the plateau in front of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering as a part of the 8th annual meeting of Association of motoring historians.


Traditionally PUC ‘Parking Servis' supports this event by towing the exhibits to the location. This year the biggest attraction was a ‘Packard' truck manufactured in 1918 and weighing 4000 kilograms with a wheel base of 4 meters.

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The exhibits included vehicles from Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, BIH, Monte Negro and Serbia. BMW 319/1 manufactured in 1935 was brought from Bulgaria. It is the ‘only survivor' of the famous race Belgrade Grand Prix in 1939 and it was driven by Dimitar Sokolov.


A lecture on history of motoring (primarily Serbian) was held. The lecturers were the members of the Association of motoring historians and one guest from a neighboring country. A book ‘Cars and the Karađorđević dynasty' by the author Miroslava Milutinović was presented within the lecture. The prince Aleksandar II Karađorđević was present during the lecture.
