The eighth season of the campaign ‘Pupils ask you - slow down by the school' continues


The eighth season of the campaign ‘Pupils ask you - slow down by the school' continues

After the short break due to the holidays the eight season of the educational campaign ‘Pupils ask you - slow down by the school' continues today in Primary School “France Prešern” at Rakovica. The educational play will give the pupils basic knowledge about traffic signs and responsible behavior on the road. After the performance ‘Parking servis' gave to the first graders high visibility vests in order to be as visible as possible on their way from home to school and back. The first graders of "France Prešeren" have gotten a CDs with a film, which in an interesting way explains what the semaphore is, how to cross the street safely, who are participants in traffic etc.

Andrija Čupković, PUC 'Parking servis' director said that in the next two days educational classes would be completed in all schools at the Municipality of Rakovica. More than 1.000 first graders would hang out with a traffic policeman and actors, who would explain the rules of conduct in traffic, the importance of wearing a fluorescent vest, which is given to every first grade pupil in Belgrade.

"This great way to educate children through the game. Children safety in traffic is a priority, and we need to work preventively every day and to teach the children how to behave safely on their way from home to school. So, this performance has an immeasurable contribution, teaching first graders to cross the street and obey traffic signs," said Čupković.

President of the Municipality of Rakovica Vladan Kocić said that this, what had become traditional cooperation with "Parking servis", had contributed to increasing the safety of all participants in traffic. The contribution to the increased traffic safety is appreciated also by Predrag Đurđev the Secretary of the Automobile and Motorcycle Association of Serbia.

“In contribution to the Parking servis' efforts to the children safety in traffic The Automobile and Motorcycle Association of Serbia urges the drivers to be very cautious when in school neighborhood and slow down the ride. It’s our common goal to make streets more safe“ Đurđev stated.

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Besides, primary schools in the municipality of Rakovica stated that they lack with sports requisites, such as balls, therefore “Parking servis” as a socially responsible company, donated sets of balls for basketball, volleyball and football to every primary school in Rakovica.

During the eighth cycle of campaign, schools will get CDs with educational film about the basic rules applicable to the participants in traffic. The movie is filmed in cooperation with the television station "Studio B" and with the support of the City of Belgrade and Traffic Police.

This season novelty is “Pupils parking place”. PUC ‘Parking servis' in association with the City of Belgrade will start a campaign of marking a parking place near the primary schools. The campaign will be carried out within the schools located in area under zone parking system. Parking places will be marked by the pupils and the money collected from these parking places will be directed towards the schools' funds and to be spent on purchasing computers and other teaching aids. By parking on this specially marked parking place, our customers will be made aware of the fact, that by paying for the parking they also help the nearest school.

Since the school year has begun, we performed educational plays in 22 schools at the municipalities of Zemun and Vračar and 2.300 high visibility vests have been given to the first graders. After municipality of Rakovica, next in line are the pupils of municipalities of Barajevo and Čukarica.