The system of parking control and charge starts at Novi Beograd and Zemun


The system of parking control and charge starts at Novi Beograd and Zemun at the general parking spaces outside zoned areas, by decision of the Secretariat for Transport. The parking is not time limited and parking is charged: Monday to Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM, Saturday from 8 AM to 2 PM at Novi Beograd and Monday to Friday from 8 AM to 9 PM, Saturday from 8 AM to 2 PM at Zemun.

The parking spaces outside time limited zoned areas at Novi Beograd include parking spaces in the following streets: Bulevar Zorana Đinđića, Antifašističke borbe (from Bulevar Mihaila Pupina to Bulevar Arsenija Čarnojevića), Španskih boraca (from Bulevar Mihaila Pupina to Bulevar Arsenija Čarnojevića), Bulevar umetnosti (from Bulevar Mihaila Pupina to Bulevar Arsenija Čarnojevića), Bulevar Milutina Milankovića (from Omladinskih brigada to Tošin bunar).

So-called Blue zone, actually parking spaces outside time limited zoned areas, also include the part of Zemun with the following streets: Stevana Markovića, Avijatičarski trg (from the right side of Stevana Markovića to Dr Petra Markovića), Glavna (from the right side of Dr Petra Markovića to Zmaj Jovina), Zmaj Jovina and Kej oslobođenja.

The privileged parking ticket is enabled for the residents of the newly opened parking spaces at Novi Beograd and Zemun at the cost of 457 dinars per month.

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