Time for debt settlement is running out


"Parking servis" would like to advise our customers that there are only 7 days to settle their debts for unpaid daily tickets with the debt relief scheme. The deadline for signing the Debt Settlement Contract expires on Monday 28th April.

The deadline shall not be extended. We want to warn the debtors who do not sign the Contract within the set time frame that we shall have no other choice but to engage debt collectors in accordance with the Law of enforcement to help us gain the money we are owed.

We would like to remind all debtors that if they sign the contract the whole amount of the interest will be written off. For paying the debt in total we offer a 30% discount, while for the debt settlement in 6, 12, 18 and 24 monthly installments we give a discount of between 10 and 15% depending on the amount of the debt.

We would invite all interested parties not to wait for the last moment and to apply to sign a Debt Settlement Contract in good time so as to avoid long queues at the ‘Parking Servis' offices in Starine Novaka 22, Kraljice Marije 7 and Mileševska Street 51 .

The Contract can be downloaded from our site www.parking-servis.co.rs and completed applications sent to our email reprogram@parking-servis.co.rs. Additional information about the debt reprogram can be found by calling our Customer Service telephone 011/30-35-400.