
National Day Working Hours


PUC ‘Parking Servis’ will suspend parking control and charging for parking on the street car parks in the zoned parts of the City on Monday and Tuesday (15th and 16th February 2016). During the holidays the Customer service desks in Kraljice Marije Street no. 7 and Milesevska Street no. 51 as well as Parking Control Office in Starine Novaka Street no. 22 will be closed. All the public garages, special car parks and SMS car parks will work non-stop during the holidays. Tow truck service w Read More

Wider parking spaces for persons with disabilities vehicles


PUC “Parking servis” has started with marking and painting with hatch marks accessible parking spaces for persons with disabilities. The surface of accessible spaces and access aisles must be widened, marked and identified by signs that include the International Symbol of Accessibility. That means that newly marked parking space provides a width of 3,5 meters, including access aisles of 1,3 meters. These widened parking spaces ensure safe use for people with disabilities, including those Read More

New Eaves at the Car Park "Aerodrom"


PUC "Parking servis" has set new eaves at the tollbooth at car park "Aerodrom". New eaves are quite larger than the old, so the customers while paying for the parking, can be effectively protected from the weather conditions. In order to raise the quality of parking services at the airport complex, “Parking servis” recently has done reconstruction works at the parking garage “Aerodrom” and replaced gutters and downspouts of roofing installation with the new ones. [gallery link= Read More

New parking lot at Novi Beograd


New parking lot in Zorana Djindjica Boulevard, with 308 parking spaces, was opened today. Goran Vesić, City manager, Dusan Rafailović, City secretary for traffic and managing directors of "Parking servis”, "Zelenilo – Beograd” and "Beograd-put” Andrija Čupković, Slobodan Stanojević and Ivan Tejić expressed great pleasure that one major problem of residents of this part of Belgrade was solved. – There was a great parking problem at this location because of the vast number of c Read More

New Garage Opening


PUC “Parking servis” in cooperation with Greek company “Titan Development” opened a new garage in the Baba Višnjina Street, at Vračar. Goran Vesic pointed out that this garage is made by the highest world standards. In order to limit fire damage in enclosed parking garages, we took all appropriate measures that are required in the areas of structural, technical and organizational fire protection, said Vesic. New garage covers an area of 11,200 square meters, has five level Read More

The renovation of the parking garage “Aerodrom”


Reconstruction works were executed at the garage “Aerodrom” . Gutters and downspoutsof roofing installation were replaced with the new ones. PUC “Parking servis” upgraded parking facilities to create safe environment for garage users. Renovated garage “Aerodrom“ offers 543 parking spaces. Read More

World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims


On November 15th, World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims was ommemorated in front of the Belgrade City Assembly. PUC “Parking servis” in a collaboration with the Automobile and Motorcycle Association of Serbia, raised awareness of the importance of road safety. Many participants, including high level representatives from governmental and non-governmental organisations, attended the event. “Parking servis“ and the Automobile and Motorcycle Association of Serbia have be Read More

Holiday opening hours on Tuesday 11th November


PUC ‘Parking Servis’ would like to advise our customers that on Tuesday 11th November, the Armistice Day, we will have the holiday opening hours. The parking in the zoned parts of the city will be free of charge on Wednesday 11th November. On the same day Parking Control Office in Starine Novaka Street no. 22 as well as Customer Service Offices in Kraljice Marije Street no. 7 and Milesevska Street no.51 will be closed. All public garages, special and SMS car parks will be open non-stop, und Read More

Mayor Siniša Mali visits PUC "Parking servis"


Mayor Siniša Mali visits PUC "Parking servis" Mayor f the Belgrade visited today "Parking servis" and talked with the management of the company about business results and further plans for the next year. - "Parking servis“ had revenue od 700 million dinars last year , and planned even more for the current year. This only means more money for the city, since this company 85 % of its revenue transfers to capitol's budget. "Parking servis“ has made a great deal of savings, thanks to th Read More

Save someone's life!


In cooperation with National Blood Transfusion Institute and Red Cross of Serbia on Monday, October 26, we are organising voluntary blood donation. All men and women who would like to be donors are invited to come on Monday to PUC “Parking servis”, Starine Novaka 22 Street, first floor, from 10 AM to 3.30 PM. Be humane! Save someone’s life! Read More

ANNOUNCEMENT for customers who pay parking ticket via SMS


ANNOUNCEMENT for customers who pay parking ticket via SMS On 1 October 2015, The New Law on Payment Services will affect all customers that use parking in the zoned areas of the city and pay parking ticket via mobile phone. We are obliged to announce to all of our customers that by purchasing a parking ticket via SMS, you made agreement of using services with “Parking servis” , while operators of electronic communications act exclusively as agents of "Parking servis" in the process of Read More

Parking Management System presented in Celje


PUC “Parking servis” management team of the technical director Vladimir Bigićević, corporate business director Nebojša Perić, led by the managing director Andrija Čupković visited Celje today, where they presented Belgrade Parking Management System, and at the same occasion continued negotiations with Maribor representatives, hosted by Ivan Pfeifer directo of the Public commercial institution for car parks and public buildings management Celje and their Robert Hostnik their car par Read More