
A beautiful picture of Belgrade - "Pupils parking space"


TV Happy, Dobro jutro, Srbijo TV Studio B, News TV Pink, News TV Moja, News TV Naša, News TV Studio B, Beograde, dobro jutro TV Studio B, Beograde, dobar dan Read More

Construction works in front of the "Masarikov trg"


Construction works on 15.5 m long drainpipe instalment starts today, causing the entrance and exit of car park “Masarikov trg” runs a little slower than usual. The works are expected to last until June 28th. The car park will be operating at full capacity, with possible short time delay on points of entrance and exit. PUC „Parking servis“ would like to ask all citizens for their patience and understanding. Read More

And we start with the "Pupils Parking Space“


And we start with the "Pupils Parking Space“ The first "pupils parking space" was all designed by our little artists, winners of recently held art contest. Nearby all elementary schools within zoned area of Belgrade will be marked these parking spaces, and the money collected out of the parking payment will be redirected to schools and its needs. "We are very happy with the number of drawings that came to our address and the great effort our little friends put in. Bravo for them, and the Read More

"Parking servis" supports World Environment Day


"Parking servis" supports World Environment Day PUC "Parking servis“ will be giving away cards for the free public transportation on June 4th, as a supporting act to the June 5th – World Environment Day, in a coordinated action with City Government, The Office for Public Transportation and other city enterprises. These cards will be given to all the drivers who park in on of the following garages "Obilićev venac“, "Masarikova“, "Pionirski park“ and/or "Zeleni venac“. [gallery Read More

Daily parking ticket 50% off, if paid within eight days


Starting of today PUC "Parking servis“ offers discount of 50 % to the Daily Parking Ticket if paid withing 8 days. Drivers will pay 935,00 RSD if they make payment within specified period, and upon term expiry full price for 1870,00 RSD. Managing director Andrija Čupković says that these benefits for the users are made possible due to smart business decisions during his mandate. "Financial results accomplished during the fisrt quarter of the year showed that the lastyear's business Read More

Garage "Aerodrom“ will be reduced in parking capacity on Tuesday


Garage "Aerodrom" will be reduced in parking space capacity on Tuesday from 07.00 to 17.00 hours, due to geodetic survey. At the time there will be 219 spaces less. The fifth and the seventh level will be unavailable for the drivers to pass, due to the survey, while the rest of the garage is at its usual regime of use, 24/7. PUC “Parking servis” appreciates your co-operation and understanding while this survey is undertaken. In the meantime we kindly ask you to follow our traffic signali Read More

Move vehicles from the Processions route


PUC ‘Parking Servis’ would like to ask all citizens and businesses to remove temporarily their vehicles from the Processions route. The vehicles which are not removed by midnight on Wensaday  the 20th of May will be towed away in order to prepare the route and ensure the safety of the participants. The drivers who do not promptly move their cars from the processions route will get the information about the location of their vehicles by calling the Customer service on phone number 011/ Read More

Hand in hand, for a family


PUC "Parking Servis" this like any other year took part in manifestation "Hand in hand, for a family" in the name of International Day of Families. Under the organisation of Belgrade Children's Shelter, Institute for Education of Children and Adolescents in Belgrade International Day of Families was held in the Children's Cultural Centre. Children were entertained by the musical programme hosted by Minja Subota, with "Čarolija" choir, children from the shelter and friends from the Geria Read More

Thanks to all the schools who supported our Art Contest


Hundreds of art works of our little first graders arrived to our address. PUC "Parking servis" is very grateful for the effort and thankful for the good will schools and pupils have shown. "Pupil's Parking Space“ is yet another socially responsible campaign which is organised to provide to all the schools in zoned city area money from the parking payment on one specially marked parking space nearby school. Design should also remind all the drivers to pay additional attention and caution Read More

Campaign "Pupils ask you, slow down by the school" in primary schools at Voždovac


"Parking Servis" will, within the campaign "Pupils ask you, slow down by the school" give away 1.434 high visibility vests to firstgraders in 15 primary schools in the municipality of Voždovac, during this week. The educational plays about responsible behavior in traffic are performed by PUC ‘Parking Servis' and Belgrade Traffic Police Department representatives. Through the game, pupils are learning what the semaphore is, how to cross the street safely, who are participants in traffic etc Read More

Complete load level determination in garage "Obilićev venac"


Garage “Obilićev venac“ as of today is operating at full capacity. Determining of load level in garage and repairs were completed last night. Investment repairs are expected to start in summer. [gallery columns="4" ids="16624,16628,16629,16630,16631,16625,16626,16627"] Read More