
National Day Opening Hours


PUC ‘Parking Servis' would advise its customers that during the forthcoming holidays will change the opening hours. The charging of parking in the zoned parts of the city will be suspended on the 15th and 16th February, while the Customer Service Offices in Kraljice Marije Street no. 7 and Mileševska Street no. 51 and Parking Control Desk in Starine Novaka Street no. 22 will be closed. All public garages and special car parks will be open non stop. Technical inspection service and car wash w Read More

Response to Clinical Center of Serbia statement


[separator top=”20”] JKP ‘Parking Servis' is daily present within the Clinical Center of Serbia, where it works together with the Traffic Police on removing the vehicles which prevent the smooth flow of traffic. [separator top=”10”] As we are aware of the importance of this health institute, ‘Parking Servis' priority is to remove the obstacles from the internal roads in order to provide a safe passage for the emergence vehicles. We always act on the orders of the Traffic police and Read More

Assaults on parking attendants notice


[separator top=”20”] JKP ‘Parking Servis' within the scope of its business carries out the charging and control of parking on the public car parks in accordance with the Decision on public car parks (Official Gazette of the City of Belgrade, no 12/10 - revised text) [separator top=”10”] When carrying out their normal duties of charging and controlling parking on the public parks, authorized JKP ‘Parking Servis' parking attendants are often exposed to verbal and physical attacks by t Read More

As of tomorrow new prices in the second and third zone


JKP ‘Parking Servis' to advises its customers that from Wednesday, 16th January the new prices in the yellow and green zone will come into effect, while the prices for parking in the red zone will remain the same. According to the new price list, an hour of parking in the green zone will cost 41 dinars, in the yellow 48 and in the red 56 din. The price of the privileged parking card for the residents of the zoned areas of the city will remain the same - 457 dinars, while the monthly parkin Read More

‘Park and cycle' on International Car Free Day


[separator ="20"] On Saturday 22nd September, JKP ‘Parking Servis' will offer all interested citizens to park their cars free of charge and take electric bicycles. The campaign will be conducted on the car parks ‘Ada Ciganlija' and ‘Sava Centar', from 10.00 and 17.00. The aim of all activities during the European week of mobility is promoting of measures of sustainable traffic. The service ‘Park and Cycle', which ‘Parking Servis' launched three months ago is in compliance with the a Read More

New car park in Belgrade


In Živka Davidovića Street at Zvezdara, between the Cvetko Market and the Medical Center, the new car park will be opened on Thursday, 1st September. Car park ‘Cvetko Market', which was built in accordance with fast park system, has 104 parking places. The entrance and two exits from the car park are located in Živka Davidovića Street and they are equipped with a standard automated control of payment which is carried out when the users take the vehicle. The price of parking is 50 dina Read More

‘Baby parking tickets'


23. June JKP ‘Parking Servis' launched a campaign called ‘Baby parking ticket' with a view to making more convenient for the parents of the youngest citizens to park their cars during their visits to a pediatrician and other responsibilities in the first year of the parenthood. Baby package consists of 30 parking tickets in any of the three parking zones and a sticker ‘Baby on board' which warns other users to leave more space when parking a car near the car with a baby. Leaflets with t Read More

Blood donation campaign


Thirty JKP ‘Parking Servis' employees have responded to the appeal to donate blood. The blood donation was organized on 13th July in cooperation with the Institute for Blood Transfusion of Serbia and New Belgrade Red Cross on the ‘Parking Servis' premises on the International cargo terminal in New Belgrade Blok 53. 130 registered blood donors employed in JKP ‘Parking Servis' are always among the first to respond to the Institute for Blood Transfusion appeal, and a few times a year. Read More

‘Parking servis’ pulled 16-meter long ship wreckage


„‘Parking servis’ pulled 16-meter long ship wreckage During the big clean-up of the banks of the Sava and Danube river, JKP ‘Parking Servis' employees pulled out on Wednesday, 06th July a ship wreckage at the Danube quay. The JKP ‘Parking Servis' team expected to remove a smaller boat whose top could be seen at the surface, but they pulled out a 16-meter long ship, said Nebojša Tomić, Deputy City Officer for Inspection Affairs . He added that such negligence on behalf of citi Read More

Car park "Čukarica" capacity reduced


We would like to advise our users that the ‘fast' car park ‘Čukarica' will work with a reduced capacity from Monday, 04th July. <p style="text-align: justify;"The reason for the reduced number of parking places as well as the difficulty at entering and exiting the car park is the works on the heating system. Read More

Baby parking tickets


JKP ‘Parking Servis' has decided through the campaign ‘Baby parking ticket' to meet the needs of all of you who have got a new family member. Parents of the new Belgrade citizens, born from 1st of June 2011 will get free ‘Baby parking tickets', which will grant them 30 hours of free parking in all parking zones in the capital. The campaign aim is to make it easier for parents to park during their visits to a pediatrician and while doing other necessary jobs in the first year of parenthoo Read More

Parking servis' parking ticket legal


Some claims that appeared in the media that parking tickets are unconstitutional are not true, says management of ‘Parking Servis'. Boban Kovačević, JKP ‘Parking Servis' Managing Director, says that there isn't a possibility that the actions of ‘Parking Servis' in any segment are unconstitutional or illegal and that there is no question that the Constitutional Court made any decision on unconstitutionality of the legality of parking tickets. We would like to inform the public and remov Read More