
Reconstruction of garage "Zeleni venac"


Garage "Zeleni venac" Reconstruction Garage "Zeleni venac" reconstruction starts today, on July 13th. During the first phase of reconstructiona, garage will operate with reduced capacity and garage levels will be closing and opening one by one during works. At every moment, 60 % of all parking spaces will be available for drivers. Garage "Zeleni venac“, will be completely closed for users starting from July 25th until August 1st 2015., when the ground floor reconstruction is scheduled. Aft Read More

Points Of Entrance Only From Obilićev Venac Street


With the "Obilićev venac“ starts the reconstruction session of the public garages in Belgrade. - Analysis has shown that if we had remained still, not had started reconstructions, we would have had to close particular garages. "Parking servis“ has really had a good year behind so it can endure these kind of investmnents and make the drivers safety the priority. And the next 15 years are under guarantee.  – said PUC "Parking servis“ director Andrija Čupković. [gallery col Read More

Daily parking ticket price in "blue" zone lower and 50% discount if paid within eight days


Daily Parking Ticket Price In "Blue" Zone Lower And Offered 50 % Discount If Paid Within Eight Days On the proposal of PUC "Parking servis“, City of Belgrade has reduced the price of Daily Parking Ticket for all the drivers who park their vehicle at general parking lots outside the time limited areas i.e. "blue" zone. The price of Daily Parking Ticket in "blue" zone, starting from today is 720 dinars. The price will be 50 % off if paid within the period of eight days of issue and will cos Read More

Public Garages Reconstruction


By the mid of July is expected to start with the reconstruction of public garage "Obilićev venac“, which will be followed with garages "Zeleni venac“, "Masarikova“, and "Aerodrom“. Construction works will contribute to the safer usage of the parking facilities. "We have signed a contract with the construction company assuring to 15 years of guarantee so all the possible damages during this periodcould be rectified as soon as possible.“ – said the managing director of the P Read More