
A driver ignited himself and the policemen at Staro sajmište


A driver ignited himself and the policemen at Staro sajmište [separator="20"] Driver P.L. who was illegally parked twice during the day, ignited tonight around 7.30 PM himself and two policemen on duty on "Parking servis" pound Staro sajmište whereby the policemen suffered burns on their hands and suffered minor injuries, while the driver is harder injured. During the day, a driver made two traffic offences by parking his car illegally. After "Parking servis" towed away his vehicle for the Read More

Last night's action


Illegally parked vehicles have been removed from the city centre in last night's action led by the PUC "Parking servis" in cooperation with Ministry of Interior, Traffic Police and Intervention Unit, all under The Belgrade City Assembly. [gallery link="file" ids="16136,16137,16139"] During the night illegally parked vehicles have been removed from the city centre, known city parts for its night life, such as streets of Karađorđeva, Tadeuša Košćuška, Stari grad and Vračar municipalit Read More

"Parking servis" appeals to drivers and all participants in traffic to behave safely


"Parking servis" appeals to drivers and all participants in traffic to behave safely Read More