Park and cycle
The action “PARK AND CYCLE” is a service, which offers a possibility to any driver – user of our standard parking service to take bicycles of ‘Parking Servis’.
Within the action ‘Park and Cycle’, ‘Parking Servis’ has provided bicycles for children and adults. Drivers can use bikes while their vehicles are parked at the garages or car parks of ‘Parking Servis’:
- garage ”Obilićev venac”
- garage ”Zeleni venac”
- garage ”Masarikova”
- car park ”Ada Ciganlija”
- car park ”Milan Gale Muškatirović”
Bikes can be taken temporarily with an ID card, every day from 09.00 am to 09.00 pm.
Bikes rides are free including regular price of car parking.
Two adults bikes can be taken in the garages ”Zeleni venac” and ”Masarikova”.
Four bikes, the users can take in the garages ”Obilićev venac” and car parks ”Ada Ciganlija” and ”Milan Gale Muškatirović”.
satisfied users rode "Parking Servis" bicycles in 2024
More information about the conditions and the instruction how to use this service you can find at links listed below: