The International Terminal Department
Novi Beograd, 12 Prekonoška Street
Phone no: +381112195020, +381112197022
Phone/Fax no: +381112195020
The International Terminal, which includes the Customs Branch Office Terminal Belgrade (number 11568), is situated in Block 43, at the intersection of Corridor 10 highway and the roads leading to Zagreb, Budapest, Skopje, Athens, Sofia, and Istanbul. This location is the most important traffic artery in the region.
The Terminal was constructed in 1984 and sets the highest standards of service and amenities for businesses. All necessary services are provided in one place for the convenience of travellers.
The Terminal provides the following services:
Free Wi-Fi services are provided at the International Terminal. The users can get the password from a parking attendant.
Frequently asked questions you may find here.
The International Terminal Department
Novi Beograd, 12 Prekonoška Street
Phone no: +381112195020, +381112197022
Phone/Fax no: +381112195020
Customs office 11568 Belgrade is located within the "International Terminal" complex in Novi Beograd since 1984, providing customs clearance of goods on wheels.
We provide services:
Customs warehouse services are provided on 3080 m², with the “Parking servis” as the type A of tenant, as well as an open customs warehouse with an area of 265 m². This classification means that, we as holders of the customs warehouses, take responsibility and ensure that the goods are under constant supervision while the goods are in customs procedure.
Besides the goods storage, we also provide the service of loading the vehicles.
Working hours: Weekdays and Saturdays from 08:00 to 20:00h.
Compensation for services depends on the weight of goods handled and the length of stay in the warehouse.
Parking for fright vehicles in customs procedure is one of the services provided at the International terminal of the PUC “Parking Servis” in Blok 43, Novi Beograd. There are 314 parking spaces for trucks. The price of the service of using facilities of the International Terminal in the customs procedure includes: parking of cargo and other vehicles of users in the customs procedure, weighing on the car electromechanical scale for users who have been issued an order by the competent customs authority for weighing in the customs procedure with the obligation to issue a weighing sheet, as well as the use of public bathrooms.
Working hours: 00.00-24.00, 365 days a year.
Car park within the "International Terminal" complex has a capacity of 219 parking spaces; two spaces are reserved for vehicles of persons with disabilities.
*Parking fee is paid per commenced hour, on daily or monthly bases.
This facility enable you to use Parking Pass and Prepaid parking card.
The International Terminal is in a disposal of 3.839,53 m² office space in several business buildings.
Office space is designed for freight forwarding and transportation services. Currently, 138 freight forwarding companies use office space at the International Terminal.
PUC “Parking Servis” at the International Terminal possess business – facilities which are used by Customs Administration, customs office 11568 – Customs house Belgrade for customs operation, and business facilities which are occupied by “The Post of Serbia”.
PUC „Parking servis“ takes part in maintaining the communal law and order in Belgrade. It removes illegally parked vehicles, by the order of Traffic Police, Communal Police or Municipal inspectors.
Its department for vehicle transportation removes accident damaged vehicles and uses specially designed cranes to lift and freight bulky loads, buses and trucks.
Vehicles from accidents are transported to the following locations:
Opening hours: 00-24
For all other information on the vehicles removed following the order of Traffic Police, Communal Police or Municipal inspectors you can call 11011.
Frequently asked questions about towing vehicle service you may find here.
Vehicles illegally parked on public parks and green areas are removed by „Green Tow Truck“. Three trucks painted in green, symbolically for this purpose, remove vehicles left on promenades, boardwalks and walkways, or endangering safety in public parks or the children’s playgrounds, near schools or kindergartens.
If the Municipal inspector notices a violation or finds a vehicle on a green surface upon a citizen's report, it orders the owner of the vehicle to move it. If the driver does not follow the instructions of the competent authority, " Green Tow Truck " will transport the car to the nearest pound of the Company. The owner can take over his vehicle only after all costs have been paid.
JKP “Parking Servis” Beograd is on the basis of the Decision of public car parks authorized to clamp a parked vehicle in accordance with the Law in order to collect outstanding debts.
The vehicle is clamped and cannot be moved from the public car park and the warning sticker with the information about the conditions of de-clamping is put on the visible place.